Conservative Values Have an Impact

“It’s an honor to have you here,” a middle-aged Hispanic man told members of the Washington County Republican Committee at the booth of the committee and the Washington County Republican Women at 2019 Cinco de Mayo celebrations at the Jones Center in Springdale on May 4.

“You’ve made three new Republicans,” the man, a Benton County resident, said as he took voter registration forms for himself, his wife, and his mother. He said many Hispanics do not realize how their family values align with those of the Republican Party.  The man was visibly disturbed while discussing Democrat positions on abortion.

Members the WCRC and WCRW were at the booth throughout the day, giving out candy to the children, along with literature containing contrasts between liberals and conservatives written in English and Spanish, bottled water, meeting information regarding the WCRC, and a dozen copies of the Constitution.

The Hispanic Women’s Organization of Arkansas sponsored the all-day festival.

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